Thursday, October 25, 2007

story ideas

News story idea form
1) Slug: hanmon
2) Section of newspaper story would appear (no Op-Ed):
3) What are the most dominant news elements in the story? Explain in-depth:_________________________ Why?
News element#1__timeliness______ Why? hannah montana just had a concert here
News element#2__proximity______ Why? many people in the community went to the concert and like her music
News element#3 human intrest Why? people are interested in things that they like. also i would find people that went to the concert or wished they went to put a face to the story
4) In a few sentences, describe what the story will be about:
the story will be about how hannah montana appeals to such a wide age group, when she herself is just 14 years old. How can some one 17 and 10 enjoy the same type of music. Thats what i want to figure out.
5) Specifically, who will you interview or contact? Why those people?
__Griffin Chin___ Why? she is in 8th grade and would give a younger view point. also she went to the recent concert
__maddie krasno_ Why? she is in 11th grade and also went to concert.
__tess jensen ___ Why? wanted to go to the concert and didnt. disapointed.
6) What information do you need to gather before you begin interviews?
i need to figure out when the concert was and what else h.m. does other than singing.
7) What questions do you definitely need answered in your interviews? Why?
do you like h.m.?
did you go to the concert?
what is it about h.m. that you enjoy so much?
was it wierd being at a concert with a bunch of younger girls? how would you describe it?

these questions would help answer my questions, which would help me write the story

8) What photo opportunities are available to go alongside this story (give names, places, times, etc.)?
take a picture of one of the girls in her h.m. t-shirt, or with her poster... something along those lines.
9) Who should a photographer contact to set up photographs?
contact me and i could set them up with the girls.
10) What concerns or problems do you foresee in getting this story together?
i wont be able to answer my questions, so then i wouldnt be able to write the story.
11) Other information?

News story idea form
1) Slug: hsst&ath
2) Section of newspaper story would appear (no Op-Ed):NEWS FEATURES/SPORTS
3) What are the most dominant news elements in the story? Explain in-depth:_________________________ Why?
News element#1_proximity_____ Why? many students are student athlets and would understant or be interested
News element#2_human intrest__ Why? i will interview people and give the story a face
News element#3 conflict? Why? i think this would be conflict because student athletes have trouble with time management and finishing hw
4) In a few sentences, describe what the story will be about:
this story will be about how student athletes manage thier time. How they fit everything in with all the practices and homework to worry about.
5) Specifically, who will you interview or contact? Why those people?
___callan faulkner____ Why? soccer player, 11th grade. seems like she could handle her time well
___i would find two more student athletes, one that doesnt handle time well, and another one of either side that would give good information_______ Why?so i can have more view points on the issue and get a bigger majority.
6) What information do you need to gather before you begin interviews?
i should look up facts about student athlete time management and on average how well do they do in school.
7) What questions do you definitely need answered in your interviews? Why?
what spoet are you in?
do you practice every day? for how long?
on average how much homework do you have a night?
do you always finish your homework?
how late are you up to when you finish?
8) What photo opportunities are available to go alongside this story (give names, places, times, etc.)?
a picture of one of the student athletes doing their homework, or playing their sport.
9) Who should a photographer contact to set up photographs?
the students
10) What concerns or problems do you foresee in getting this story together?
no one will have any problems with their time management
11) Other information?

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